A post WWDC link roundup

As per usual, a lot of content got published in the hours following this year’s WWDC. Here’s a roundup of what I found particularly interesting:

  • Dan Moren’s bullet point breakdown of everything new. He’s gone through Apple’s website and press releases and found plenty of things that didn’t even get a mention in the keynote. If you only read one of these, it should probably be this one.

I watched the keynote, read through Moren’s notes, Dieter Bohn’s post on The Verge and the Music page on Apple’s site. Despite what Bohn says 1, I’m still not entirely sure what Music wants to be though. This is what I’m most disappointed about, I had such high hopes. Overall then, I wholeheartedly agree with Dr. Drang’s piece. More specifically, this portion:

But while the advantages of a multifunction device are obvious, the advantages of a multifunction app aren’t. The App Store’s success is largely based on tightly focused apps, not sprawling suites.

  • Federico Viticci’s complete overview of iOS 9 isn’t required reading if you watched the event, I did really like this remark in it however: > The iPad was at an inflection point – still failing to convince some tech circles of the benefits of a tablet – and the changes coming with iOS 9 are a reassuring sign of Apple’s commitment to the uniqueness of the device.

  • From Apple’s pre-release Mac Developer Library, Responding to Force Touch Events from JavaScript. This’ll be available for Safari, Dashboard, and WebKit-based applications.

  • Also from the pre-release Mac Developer Library, a redesigned web inspector is coming to Safari 9. I’m waiting to be convinced on this — that looks like an awful lot of chrome at the top of the window.

  • Last but not least, screenshots! Credit for the El Cap screenshots goes to Jonatan Castro. The iOS 9 ones come from /u/roonieone.

“[W]hat I did see was a mostly functional and mostly straightforward music streaming app.” ↩